Thursday, November 20, 2008

headache = flowers

Yesterday afternoon I got the worst headache that I have EVER had. It was just terrible. I was nauseous, could barely stand up, and the light hurt my eyes. Poor Evelyn had to entertain herself for a few hours until Michael got home. Then I went to bed.
I was feeling much better this morning. And then this afternoon I got this delivered to the house from my husband:

Hmmm...I think my headache is coming back again! (wink, wink) =)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

When the husband is away...

...the wife will play. Ok, not really, but I have been pretty productive around the house. I finally got our master bathroom painted. I got the color right after spending an hour at Sherwin Williams trying to "fix" my original purchase of "meditative" blue. I think the sales guy just kept adding gray and some lavender to get the color I was looking for. It turned out just right.

Let's see, I also organized the office as best I could with the furniture that we currently have. My sewing machine is still on the floor and there are still two big boxes of cords and wires that I have no idea what to do with.

I have also been enjoying some "not-so-Michael-friendly" dinners. Tonight it was roasted butternut squash and cauliflower. Last night was sauteed mushrooms with some mozzarella cheese sprinkled on top, and the night before a big bowl of broccoli, and the night before that was plain pasta with some Parmesan cheese. I think Michael would be begging for some meat by now if he was home!

(oh, and just for the record I got a text late the other night: "Played for 3 hours. Lost 98 dollars." Can you guess where the husband may be????)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

8 months

Evelyn is 8 months old today. This is definitely my favorite age so far. She is so fun and playful and laughs A LOT! Here is the update on what she is doing now...
  • She has completely mastered crawling and pulling up on things. She goes from room to room looking for new things to get into!
  • She can "walk" around the coffee table while holding on to the side
  • Sometimes, she even tries to let go and is able to stand by herself for a few seconds before she falls down.
  • Giving hi-fives
  • Waving bye-bye
  • She loves feeding herself finger-foods, although I end up cleaning half of her meal out of her chair when she is done!
  • She just started signing "more" at meals
  • She has her first tooth and another one on the way!
  • She is sleeping through the night like a pro!! (mama likes this one quite a bit!)
  • She can say "ba ba", "da da", and "ma ma"
  • Swinging at the park is a new favorite afternoon activity
  • She loves being tickled under her arms
  • And, she is wonderful at stealing other kid's pacifies and sippy cups at church!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Love note

Dear Beehive Baby Spoons,

You are the cutest thing I have seen in a VERY long time. I am sure that I will be dreaming of you tonight and longing for you at dinner this evening when I am feeding my daughter with a plain, mundane plastic spoon. I hope the tears do not spoil her mashed sweet potatoes. Your backside is perfect in every way...cute and elegant at the same time. And the simplicity of your design...perfection. I promise that once I have an extra $22.00 + shipping in my wallet to buy a spoon, I will come after you and take you home with me. Please wait for me. I love you.

Always yours,



(via Ohdeedoh)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

fall back

I am convinced that the person who came up with the idea of having a time change did not have children with scheduled bed times! I would like to kindly invite him or her over to help get Evelyn to go to bed an hour later and then wake up an hour later. Geez!!