Sunday, January 11, 2009

mama drama

I broke my little toe Saturday morning. And it hurts like crazy! I was making some coffee and pancakes with Evelyn before Michael got up. I had everything out of the pantry except the vanilla. So I open the door, take a step forward and heard a crack as I feel pain in my left foot. I sounded like a pencil breaking. Not thinking it was more than a stubbed toe, I grab the vanilla, set it on the counter and then took a look at my foot. Oh boy! My little toe was at a right angle from my foot. Seriously! When I had stepped forward, all of my toes must have made it into the pantry except my little one. I sat on the floor, snapped my toe back into place and called for Michael. There must have been a seriousness in my voice because he came flying out of the bedroom to see what the matter was. I told him what had just happened and he sent me to rest on the couch. I rested for a while then decided that I was ok and went ahead and finished up the pancakes, cleaned up the kitchen and did dishes...all while hobbling on on leg. It wasn't until I did some Internet searching later that day that it hit me. I really broke my toe. I need rest. It will take a while to heal. Ug. I was going to start a new workout routine at the gym Saturday too. bummer. So according to google, there is really nothing you can do about a broken toe except wait for it to heal. It can take anywhere from weeks to months to completely back to normal. I know it will be better than it is today, but I have no clue how I am going to take care of Evelyn by myself tomorrow. I can't even walk to the kitchen without struggling and hopping along. Mom, are you busy this week?? =) I will just be happy when I can walk to the bathroom in less than 5 minutes!

I tried to post a picture of the damage, but my computer is not cooperating. Because I just know that everyone is dying to see a photo of a swollen, bruised & ugly toe! (Maybe later if I can get it to work.)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

10 months

10 months...whew! Evelyn is starting to look and act like a little kid now more than a baby. She is such a busy body and so happy! Here is here 10 month update and the things she is doing now:

  • starting to stand on her own without holding on to things
  • playing peek-a-boo around the couch
  • eating anything that you put in front of her!
  • "dancing" when she hears music
  • riding in her new bike seat
  • still loves trips to the park to swing
  • yelling really LOUD and high-pitched for no reason (I can't help but laugh at it!)
  • pulling all of her clothes out of her bottom drawer one by one
  • playing with tupperware in the kitchen while I cook dinner
  • riding on Daddy's shoulders
  • playing in the bathtub
  • giving kisses (with a wide-open mouth!)