Wednesday, March 18, 2009

glider makeover

How cool is this? I have the same glider chair. It is SUPER comfy and great for nursing, but I bet I could attack this project for baby #2's room. I have never slipcovered a chair, but this would be a great project. I am really excited to try it out and find some cool fabric. Oh, wait...there is not baby #2 yet. I guess I need to get preggo first! =)

Original post here and directions here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

picture tag

I was tagged by Kelly to post a picture.

This is the 4th picture in the 4th folder on my computer:

This is a picture of Evelyn when she was 10 months old. I remember this day by the snotty nose and glazed-over eyes. She was REALLY sick this week. I mean 104 degree fever sick. Anyway, this day I thought I could slack off and instead of cutting her waffle into little pieces give it to her whole. After I took the picture, I had to take it away from her since she was taking huge pieces and cramming them into her mouth and nearly gagging herself. What? Come on, I doubt I am the only mom that has tried to cut some corners in the kitchen! =)

Now it is your turn. (kelly, I switched back to the original rules...only because the 1st picture in the 1st folder was was even more boring than the 4th in the 4th folder!)

  • Go to your 4th folder where you store your photos.

  • Select your 4th picture

  • Post the picture with an explanation and link it back to your tagger.

  • Tag 4 people (or as many as you want) to do the same!!

I tag:

Morgan G.

Sarah M.

Carissa V.

Melissa H.

Go forth and share your photos!

Thank you Kroger

I am usually an HEB girl, but this week Kroger had some deals on things I would buy anyway and their "10 item Mega Event". Can you see my total savings? Cha ching!

Sorry HEB. I will be back next week. I can't miss all your free samples two weeks in a row! =)

Monday, March 9, 2009


Just checking out what is on the other side of the gate