Tuesday, March 17, 2009

picture tag

I was tagged by Kelly to post a picture.

This is the 4th picture in the 4th folder on my computer:

This is a picture of Evelyn when she was 10 months old. I remember this day by the snotty nose and glazed-over eyes. She was REALLY sick this week. I mean 104 degree fever sick. Anyway, this day I thought I could slack off and instead of cutting her waffle into little pieces give it to her whole. After I took the picture, I had to take it away from her since she was taking huge pieces and cramming them into her mouth and nearly gagging herself. What? Come on, I doubt I am the only mom that has tried to cut some corners in the kitchen! =)

Now it is your turn. (kelly, I switched back to the original rules...only because the 1st picture in the 1st folder was was even more boring than the 4th in the 4th folder!)

  • Go to your 4th folder where you store your photos.

  • Select your 4th picture

  • Post the picture with an explanation and link it back to your tagger.

  • Tag 4 people (or as many as you want) to do the same!!

I tag:

Morgan G.

Sarah M.

Carissa V.

Melissa H.

Go forth and share your photos!


Kelly said...

Thanks for responding to my tag ... you were the Karen I was referring to ... sorry for not being specific. Love the pic!

Melissa said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one that's given "big bites" to my little one. LOL I've tried on a few occasions just to see if he could handle it, but still... nope! I always have to put out my hand and tell him to "give it to momma." LOL Okay, I'll have to do this... it might not be right away because I think I hear G stirring.