Most of you know that a few weeks ago Evelyn got REALLY sick. Fever reaching over 104 for days. At one point she was so hot that she started shaking in my arms as I held her. Very scary. And as anyone with a kiddo knows, when you call the doctor late in the night the first thing they ask is "What is your child's temperature?" And of course, you want to be able to give them an accurate reading when they ask, right? Well, I was CERTAIN that Evelyn had a high fever, but to be honest, our thermometer STINKS! It is a "forehead" thermometer that we picked up at BabiesRUs after we couldn't get the ear one we already had to work. I would test the thermometer on myself and get anything from 78 to 94 degrees, so I was doubtful that it was reading Evelyn's temp correctly. We needed a new (and hopefully more accurate thermometer). I did some Internet research (honestly, what did we do before google?) and found this AMAZING product. It is the same brand of the one at the pediatrician's office, but the lower end one. I ended up buying mine on amazon.com here for just over $30 and shipping was free. This thing is so cool! I couldn't stop playing with it when we got it. I took my temp over and over, then took Michael's until he got annoyed. I would recommend this to anyone who has kids. It is so easy to use. You just swipe the probe over the forehead while pressing the button and seconds later you have a reading as "accurate as a rectal thermometer". I would say this this thermometer is on my top ten must have for baby list. I can actually get a reading on Evelyn while she is crawling around. So, if any of you are looking for a good thermometer, I think that your search is over.
Oh wow! I just took mine back to Costco. It totally didn't work for me! I must be inept at it or something, but my readings were all over the chart! I'm sticking with the digital under the arm pit, like my ped does. But, I had heard RAVE reviews about this one and that's why I bought it. I am wondering now if it truly was operator's error.....I really wanted it to work! So glad it does for you!
Thanks for posting this, Karen! I'm going to look into it for G. :)
Yep, love mine! My mom is an RN and uses it on her patients. She gave me one for Christmas when Jono was a baby. I had her give me lessons (there is a learning curve, Cynthia) and I get great results, now. So nice! They use it at our ped, too.
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