Sunday, February 8, 2009

just a few things...

Can it last post was almost a month ago! Geez. So my excuse is lame: things have been really busy back here at the ranch. Between having a broken toe, shopping for new furniture, planning a birthday party, going to the gym trying to get back in shape before baby #2 is in the picture, and just doing the normal cooking and cleaning...I haven't had much free time. Ok, I admit, I have found time to watch Good Morning America most mornings, but hey, some things have priority around here and Diane Sawyer is worthy! (totally random, but the husband jokes that I have a crush on Diane Sawyer. I think he may be right!)

So, here are just a few things that have been on my mind:

1. I REALLY want to run another marathon soon. It has been 2 years and I have the itch. Ok, so maybe I should start out with a 5k, but nonetheless, I am ready to train for something...for anything! I like having a goal in mind. It helps me fight off my laziness and my excuses to not get out and run.

2. We have decided that we would start making our on bread rather than buying it. Michael made two loaves last week. They turned out delicious. It is in his blood, I guess. I took over and made two loaves this week. They turned out like crap. I think Michael will be in charge of all things bread.

3. Speaking of bread, I am afraid that our beautiful daughter is a carb addict. The girl LOVES her carbs...bread, waffles, pancakes, cheerios, tortillas, crackers. You get the picture.

4. Evelyn has started to walk! It is pretty funny to watch. Has anyone ever seen a newborn calf try to take their first steps. That is what she reminds me of. Her legs are all wobbly (is that a word??) and she is still not confident in her new found skill. Her newest record is 10 steps. Way to go little girl. The trick to get her to walk is to put a cheerio on the couch arm and make her go get it (see #3).

5. I had a goal to clean out or extra bedroom by March. It doesn't look like that is going to happen.

6. Michael encouraged me to read a chapter out of one of his old books about dating. Until he explained further, I was utterly confused.

So, that is why I haven't posted in almost a month....nothing too interesting is going on. Hopefully the next month will be more exciting. =)

1 comment:

The Vann's said...

I have the itch to do a marathon too!! I really began enjoying running in College and ever since I had Eden I just haven't had the motivation (partly from lack of sleep). Anywho, I have actually never run a marathon or even half but have done lots of 5k's (including while I was 8 months pregnant - haha)! Maybe we could train together. I know we don't live super close but maybe accountability partners?? I def. need the accountability!! You are probably way faster than me. I am a slow runner but can go for a while. Let me know what you think!!
