- eating solid foods (her favorites are butternut squash, banana, and avocado)
- spitting solid foods out of her mouth and onto mommy
- completely mastered sitting up on her own
- laughing really hard
- smiling back when people smile at her
- making grunting noises
- saying "ba-ba" over and over and over
- spitting bubbles out of her mouth
- crawling (well really scooting, but she gets to where she wants to go...and fast!)
- still taking two really good naps a day
- not taking her third nap anymore (i was pretty bummed about this one)
- getting lots of compliments at the grocery store each week
- finding her toy basket and dumping it over to get all of the toys out
- "helping" mommy fold laundry
- enjoying watching videos of herself...this may be her FAVORITE activity!
- chewing on the remote control and cell phones
- and still just being darn cute!!!
I love the laundry picture, so cute! My mom sat Gregory in her laundry basket of clean towels and he had so much fun... they do grow up too fast. I love watching them grow, but it makes me sad at the same time. :) :(
That's so great that you're recording all this stuff--otherwise you forget it!
I love that I'm categorized under the "I have no idea who they are" blogs. It's true, but funny when you read it.
I heart Seventh Generation diapers as backups too. We use BumGenius and Happy Heinies. And love em!
OOPS! I just posted as my toddler there. Accidentally. Sorry about that!! Hee-hee (he has a blog too, but it's passwd protected for family)
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