1. Yes, I use cloth diapers, but I like to have just a few disposables around the house "just in case". The other day, while at Babies R Us, I spotted these diapers on the shelf claiming to be "chlorine-free". I never knew there was even chlorine in diapers. So, being the afraid-of-chemicals-near-my-baby mom I am, I went home to do some research. Sure enough, diapers contain chlorine which "may" be harmful to baby. (look here and here). Even if this is not true, I wonder to myself, why risk it. So at my next trip to Babies R Us, I picked up a pack of Seventh Generation diapers. First of all, they are SO much better looking than the conventional brands. Really, who wants Winnie the Pooh or Elmo on your baby's butt!? Can you tell that I am not a fan of putting characters on diapers? =) These Seventh Generation Diapers are plain beige and actually look cute on Evelyn. Well, how do they absorb? AWESOME! I put one on Evelyn last night and in the morning she was pretty dry. And the diaper didn't swell up in the front like the Pampers I have tried. So, if you are planning on using disposables, either full time or just every once in a while, I would recommend these!

2. I had been wanting to try out this bread for quite a while. I had read reviews of it online and it was recommended in a book a read last summer. So last week, while at Whole Foods I picked up a loaf of Cinnamon Raisin. The bread was frozen, since it has no preservatives in it, so I had to wait a few hours before eating it when I got home. But it was worth the wait. YUMMY! This bread was delicious! I ate two slices plain and the next day put one in the toaster with a little bit of butter. Even Michael thought it was good! Check it out next time you are at Whole Foods!
good to know about the diapers! and if i am not mistaken, that is the brand of hamburger buns we get, because of the 'sprouted grains'. i'll have to try the cinnamon!
I've always wanted to try those diapers! I tried their wipes, I would say they were just ok. A friend recommended the Clifford wipes from HEB - chlorine free, natural ingredients - they aren't as moist as big name brands, but they are super soft. I like em'.
I've seen another brand of diapers that's chlorine free, but I can't remember the name... oh, I think they also make organic baby food. How's the price? I was curious about them too.
I just went to their website and if you make a profile, you can print off coupons! :D
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