Friday, February 13, 2009

I interrupt the decorating...

Funny thing Evelyn started doing yesterday. When I ask her, "Who's Mommy's big girl?", she raises her hand. HA! I love it. She is so funny. But what is better is that she waits for either Michael or I to clap for her after she does it. She is at a great age.


Shawna said...

Get a video, please! It won't last, and I'd really love to see her do it. She's so adorable :)

mom of 3, hater of cheese and birds said...

My oldest just started kindergarten, and I wish I had taken more video. It really does go by fast... sniff sniff. hey, would you mind commenting on my blog about which stores you do your super coupon shopping, and how often a week you do this? I am not that domestic, I need tips. :)

Anonymous said...

Evelyn is adorable! I know exactly what you are talking about! :) when my son did smth we used to clap for him. After a while he started clapping hands himself after he did something nice. We can't help but smile when he does anything like that. Their age is so much fun! Do you video tape these moments?