Has anyone else seen this Discover Card commercial? It makes me sick. Basically, the credit card company is claiming that they are the solution to the nation's debt rather than standing up and admitting that they are the problem. The commercial starts out with "We are a nation of consumers...and there's nothing wrong with that". Ummm...actually, there is something wrong with that. The fact that people live by that idea is exactly why there are so many people living with debt up to their knees. There are SO many things I could say that bother me about this ad. And isn't it ironic that a company who benefits from people spending money says it's okay that we're a consumerist society. Hmmm.
Just a few years ago, I wouldn't have thought twice about the message this commercial is sending. But fortunately I have married a budget-friendly, Dave Ramsey-loving, debt free-living, money conscious, Quick Book-junkie of a husband who had taught me the importance of saving and not living above our means. Thanks honey!
Side note: Does anyone else think it is sad that credit card companies set up stands at college campuses trying to get students to sign up for a card. "Sign up and get a free t-shirt!!" Don't these companies know that college students are infamous for being poor. How do they expect students to pay off a credit card! Oh, wait. They don't. Theses credit card companies are banking (no pun intended) on the students not making the payments and then owing the company thousands of dollars in interest!
Does this commercial make anyone else nauseous?? What are your thoughts? Am I just being too sensitive?
Isn't it funny that the first sentence in their commercial is what is either going to real you in or make your stomach? I had the same reaction as you. I've never had a Discover card, but from what I've heard, if you do carry a balance, they're the last people you'd ever want to do it with.
My husband is very debt conscious too and loves making budgets. Yay, for finance-minded husbands!!! :)
Well, I'm the Dave Ramsey-loving, budget setting nerd in our home and that commercial makes me sick too! I pretty much mute all commercials that come on now -
I don't like the credit card application stands on college campuses either...
I completely agree, Karen. I secretly throw up a little in my mouth every time I see/hear this commercial--how is that a 'good thing'??
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