- We put an offer on a second house on Wednesday and so far everything is going as planned. We are having the house inspected on Wednesday and assuming everything is OK we will close at the end of September!! Whoo Hoo! I am SO excited. We actually looked at the house last weekend without thinking seriously about putting on offer on it. Then over the next few days we thought more and more about it and went back to look at it for a second time on Tuesday night. That night we decided to put an offer in. It has all happened so fast! The house is really nice on the inside and really clean. The yard needs quite a bit of work, as there are NUMEROUS palm trees. Sorry to offend any palm tree lovers out there, but I am not a fan. I have to admit that I am a little excited to get to "redo" the yard, learn about landscaping, and have a project to work on over the next few months. So if any of you have any lawn tips, let me know! (here are some pics of the backyard...now do you believe me that there are NUMEROUS palm trees!)

- 2. Evelyn started eating solids! I have to admit I was a little hesitant since once I started feeding her, I would actually have to "prepare" her breakfast and lunch. When you are nursing you just sit on the couch and watch some HGTV while she eats. But it has been fun, and really not as much work as I thought. Her first foods were a whole grain cereal and an avocado. (yes, I am aware that you are only supposed to introduce one new food at a time, but I broke the rule.) Anyway, she LOVED the avocado, but she didn't look very cute with green food drooling out of her mouth! Since then I have made her peaches, pears, sweet potatoes, and bananas. (Yes, I also am aware that you are supposed to wait at least 4 days before introducing a new food to test for food allergies. I also broke this rule, but she is doing just fine!!) =). I have been making big batches of food and putting it in ice cube trays in the freezer, which has been fun. However, I have been debating whether or not to buy her organic fruits and veggies. I mean, I have read about the dangers of pesticides and such, but I am not fully convinced. If there is an organic choice at the grocery store and the price is not significantly higher I will choose the organic, but I haven't gone searching for the organic stuff. Is that wrong? Am I harming Evelyn? (oh, the things that keep me up at night!) What is a mom to do!?! =)
- Here is a picture of her eating her peaches. As you can tell, she is NOT a neat and clean eater. she sticks her fingers in her mouth after each spoonfull and then the food ends up all over her face!! Messy, but still so darn cute!
- 3. We have a crawler. Yep...Evelyn is crawling around. Well, I use the word crawling loosely. I should really say that she is a "scooter". She puts both knees under her and then reaches out with her arms and then does it all over again until she gets to where she wants to be! This is scary because out apartment is definitely not safe for a crawling baby.
So, where is this house?
here's Jono's "inchworm" technique
looking good, Evelyn!
You weren't kidding about the palm trees- ha! I'm glad the rest of the house is great and I hope y'all get it.
Evelyn is amazing and so cute!!! Thanks for sharing this video. :)
What an exciting time for you all right now!
Are you a member of the organic co-op that distributes out of the Methodist church near Sartartia? I absolutely loved it and the prices on the organics through it are BETTER than what I was paying for non-organics at the store. I miss it!
It looks like you are doing an amazing job taking care of your daughter. I bet your husband admires your dedication and tireless work in your home and thanks God daily for having you as the mother of his child. Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.
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