Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yay! I got tagged by Morgan to share 6 random things about myself. (if you are wondering why I am so happy, it is because I LOVE doing stuff like this. You know those silly emails that go around where you have to answer 100s of questions about yourself like "ranch dressing or Italian?"? Well, I ALWAYS fill them out...they are so fun. Maybe I just like talking about myself. Is there anything wrong with that?) =) goes...

Here are the tagging rules:
  1. Post the rules on your blog
  2. Write 6 random things about yourself
  3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post
  4. If you're tagged, DO IT and pass on the tag

Karen's randomness:

1. I have a birthmark on my leg in the shape of the United Stated of America. No joke. I promise. In fact, growing up my older brother and sister would tell me to pull out the map (meaning my leg, of course) when we were on family road trips. I am not embarrassed by it though, so if you are bold enough, and curious enough, just ask and I will share my "map" with you! =)

2. Ever since I can remember, my biggest fear has been that I would be dropped off in the middle of the ocean in the middle of the night. Strange. It is just so dark. And scary. And big. And scary. Oh, and in case you didn't know man-eating sharks live in the ocean that will eat you alive! Especially if you are dropped off in the middle of the ocean in the middle of the night.

3. I won an award in 5th grade for perfect attendance from kindergarten through 5th grade. Yay for me! I was so excited because I was the only one in the whole school who was getting that award! But, now I look back and all that the school thought appropriate to give me was a lousy little fake-gold pin that said "Perfect Attendance". I mean, come on....perfect attendance for 6 years and all I got was a pin. (kidding about the bitterness, of course) =)

4. deep breath...deep breath...(I can't believe I am about to admit this)...deep breath...I OK I said it. I listen to Kid Rock. I know his music is lousy. His lyrics are lousy. His morality is terrible. And I would NEVER want Evelyn to listen to that type of music. But, have you heard his new song? It is really catchy. They play it on country stations (I am not quite sure why since it is not a country song). I am sure you will like it too. Just give it a try, or not if you have any taste in music! (by the way, I also like Hanson. Remember Um Bop. Ya, good stuff!)

5. I love to bargain shop. In fact I have a hard time committing to anything that is not on sale or that I can't return. (remember this?) Even better, if I have a coupon to use on an item that is already on sale! I love using coupons so much that Michael knows not to go get fast food without consulting me first. I just might have a coupon for wherever he is going. He also gave me a very appropriate book for Christmas titled "The Coupon Mom". I loved it!

6. Lastly, I don't like steak. Ya, you read that right. I don't like steak. Is it even legal to live in Texas and not eat steak? As I have gotten older, I have been able to tolerate it, and I even ordered it once at a restaurant thinking I might enjoy it. Wrong. I am not really a huge fan of any red meat, though. In fact, when I was in high school and beginning of college, I was a vegetarian for three years. Not because I am against killing and eating animals, but because I just don't eat a lot of meat and it kinda became a challenge to find ways to NOT eat meat. Then one day I wanted a hot dog. And that was the end of my vegetarian stretch.

Now for the people I tag:

  1. Kathy -- I know you have done these things before on your blog, but I think you need to do just one more!
  2. Erin W. -- the birth announcements are cute but we need more
  3. Sarah -- you may have already been tagged, but just in case, I tag you too!
  4. Melissa -- I know you are one of my most trusted readers/commenters =)
  5. Michael -- Honey, I know you don't have your own blog, but I allow you rights to post on here. I would love to know some random facts about you (and I know you read this!)
  6. Erin C. -- You too have probably already been tagged, but endulge me, you popular girl!


Morgan said...

ok, I like Kid Rock's new song too! It does have a country vibe to it, so I think it fits well with the country stations. And, I will have to get you to listen to Hanson's newest CD. They are all grown up now, and it is one of my favorites at the moment! (not teeny bop anymore, they've grown up and are really talented!) Oh, I don't like steak either! Thanks for the randomness!

Erin said...

Yeah, I don't like steak either. I'm a very, um, thorough chewer (I've had people count my chews before...) and it just takes FOREVER to chew a steak...especially since I like it VERY WELL cooked - which is also very wrong and offensive to the chef, so... if it's not filet mignon, I pass.
Kid Rock. Never would've guessed that.

Melissa said...

I wasn't big on steak until I started dating Wes and he LOVES steak. Our running "joke" is I'll ask him what he wants for dinner and he sheepishly replys, "steak." It's much funnier in person.

Alright, this is gonna be hard because I've done this random thing a couple of times and I know I'm pretty random, I'll just have to sift through it all and pull out the new. :P

Meredith said...

i totally remember your USA birthmark from back in our mcfadden days! by the way, i love hanson too...who can resist mmmbop??

Anonymous said...

I love stuff like this too, but I think I've dont 6 raondom things about 3 times so its getting harder to coming up with so many random things that haven't been said before.

Oh and I LOVE steak. Dirk's stepdad makes awesome steaks and has converted me to only eating it medium rare--that fixes the 'chewy problem--so tasty.

I need to see this birthmark.

Anonymous said...

WOW. I just reread my comment. I'm not normally such a bad typist! Please forgive me!