Wednesday, September 10, 2008

a costume and a dress

Saturday Michael was gone most of the day helping out a friend, so after I put Evelyn down for a nap, I began working on her Halloween costume. I finished the dress part of bumblebee costume in just an hour, and all I need now is to make some wings and antenna. I think it turned out really cute. I made a basic dress pattern by tracing out one of the dresses she already owns onto a brown paper bag, did some research online on how to gather a skirt, cut fabric, sewed on some yellow felt stripes, and viola...the beginnings of a costume. It was much easier than I thought and she looks super cute in it!

Here is the bodice pattern I cut out:

I gathered the skirt by sewing a zig zag stitch over a strand of yarn and then pulling the yarn to form the gathers after I pinned it to the bodice piece:

The bodice before I sewed on the yellow stripes:

Evelyn modeling the bodice to make sure it fit ok:

The finished dress! (still needs wings and antenna to finish it off):

Being inspired by the costume and realizing how simple it is to make a dress, I ran out to Joann's on Monday to get some more fabric to make her another dress. This one is still a bit big, but will fit her in just a few weeks. What do you think?

***oops...I forgot to mention that I got the pattern for the second dress here***


Jason and Sarah said...

I am impressed! Very cute!

Erin said...

Did you make the bloomers, too? Great job, K!

Melissa said...

The costume and dress are adorable! :)

Coffman Family said...

The hem on that dress is very nice. I've never seen that before. Sure makes the dress look even MORE professional! The ties on the shoulders are precious.

Morgan said...

i am inspired!! i already bought Bobby's costume pattern for next year. It is a panda! Super cute! You did a great job!

Christina said...

That's so cute!!