Sunday, June 29, 2008

new lingo

Ever since Evelyn has been around, I have found myself using a whole new collection of words that just a few months ago were hardly ever spoken around our place. Here is a short list of my new vocabulary:

  • poopy
  • fussy
  • cranky
  • sucker (our word for pacifier. I got it from my sister's kiddos...they made it up, and personally I think it sounds better than "binky")
  • dirty diaper
  • wet diaper
  • onesie
  • boppy
  • bumbo
  • snappi
  • wiggle worm
  • nap time
  • daddy

Oh...and just for the record the most popular song around here is "The Wheels on the Bus" with "Twinkle, Twinkle" coming in a close second. How quickly life changes! =)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Cute! "The Wheels on the Bus" is G's favorite meal time song... I start singing it when he's less cooperative and he loves it!