Every day around 3:00 I put Evelyn down for a nap and I start dinner. So last Thursday was no different. I got out all of the ingredients for dinner, and put a pot of water on the stove to start boiling for corn on the cob. I turn the front burner on "high" and walk away to check on Evelyn. Meanwhile, Michale's mom calls and I start talking to her for a while. I go back to check on my boiling water and am a bit confused as to why the water wasn't even hot yet. It must have been at least 10 minutes since I turned it on. OH NO!! I turned on the wrong burner. Now this is not the first time this has happened. Michael gets a little upset at me because I have a history of being pretty careless in the kitchen. (I have scars to prove it too!). Anyway, this wouldn't have been such a big deal except that the burner that was on had a glass bowl sitting on it. I look at the burner, which is red hot, and the glass bowl sitting on it and immediately realize that this is not good! Oh, and I am still on the phone with Michael's mom. So with my bare hands I quickly reach out to take the glass bowl off of the burner. I must have set it down on the counter so quickly because I never felt the heat on my hands. When I set it down I started to smell a smoky burning scent in the air. The bowl was already burning through our counter tops (which is basically particle board with a thick coat of paint and sealer). As I was reaching over to move the bowl off the counter, I hear a loud "pop". The bowl cracked into pieces. I had got the bowl so hot that it melted part of it and as it cooled it cracked. Bummer...this was a part of a set that was a wedding gift and I loved this bowl. So, I picked up the bowl, this time with a dish towel, and placed it on another part of the counter. I thought it had cooled enough by this point. I was wrong. I started burning through the counter again. I eventually got all of the big pieces under a towel. Meanwhile, I was still on the phone with my mother-in-law and she had no idea what was happening!
Here is what out counter top now looks like:
In this first picture you can see the blisters in the counter to the left of the burn. That is where is set the bowl down the second time!
A close up of the damage.
As you can imagine, I was pretty embarrassed that I made such a silly mistake. So I asked Michael to call the apartment for me to report it. I thought he would just say something like, "We accidentally burned our counter top, and just wanted to let you know about it." But no. He proceeded to tell them all of the details about how his wife turned on the wrong burner and heat up a glass bowl......." You can fill in the details of what he said! =)
One more reason to finally commit to a house now: I will have counter tops without burn holes!
Oh wow! It's a good thing you went back to check on it and didn't burn your hands in the process. I once did that and had laid a COOK BOOK on the burner. Thankfully, I realized it before too much damage was done and the book never caught fire. :P
Ha ha ha! I completely can relate! In our first apartment, I set my cookbook on the back burner, and did the same thing - turned it on instead of the front one and now have burn marks on the cook book - makes it look 'authentic' I say. :) My usual routine is to put water on to boil and forget about it and come back and half the water has evaporated. You are not alone!
so glad you are a blogger - looking forward to staying in touch!
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