This weekend Michael and I are driving to Tulsa to visit his family. No, this is not a romantic getaway with just the two of us. Evelyn will be with us for the entire drive!! Sounds crazy huh? This is an 8 hour drive without a 4 month old in the back seat...so I think we are expecting it to me more like a 12-14 hour drive after all the stops we are going to have to make. Stops to nurse her. Stops to play with her and let her just get our of the car seat. Stops to just calm her down when she gets fussy. Stops for us to relieve ourselves. You get the picture.
Now don't get me wrong. I think Evelyn is a very good baby. She usually doesn't cry much and is pretty easy going. But she has NEVER been a good car rider. She just doesn't like being strapped in the car seat. I mean, do you blame her? She was not one of those babies you take out for a car ride to get them to fall asleep.
I am definitely looking forward to the trip otherwise. Visiting in-laws. Playing with our 6 nieces and nephews. Eating yummy bakery food. Showing off Evelyn to relatives. Letting Grandma hold Evelyn as much as she wants.
Any advice on traveling with a 4 month old? Help. Please!
we drove from denver to kansas city when eva was 4 months old! it was about a 10 hour drive, but you are right that all the stopping definitely adds time. we usually stopped for gas and then jake would park the car somewhere as private as we could find and i would nurse eva in the car. not ideal! maybe evelyn will surprise you and be a better traveler than you think! hope it goes well!
ok, now I am feeling much less anxious about traveling back to Houston!
Hey - and thanks for the encouragement about the cloth diapers. His umbilical cord is hanging (literally - gross) and I am getting tired of using disposables. My mom is coming this weekend, and she cloth diapered me and my three sisters, so I am looking forward to her helping me transition. So - your diapers go from bottom straight into the washing machine until a load is ready? No holding laundry bag??
Oh, wow!!! We (my parents and I) are taking Gregory to Dallas this weekend and I thought that was far... goodness!!! I'm a little anxious as to how he'll do too. The good thing is, he'll have grandma in the backseat with him and we're planning to leave at 0'dark-thirty when he's still asleep. He usually wakes up to nurse around 2:00am, so we plan to leave after that and pull into Dallas not much after he'd wake up anyway... that's the plan... we'll see what actually happens! :P
BTW... it was good to catch up with you on Sunday. Heard anything from your pedi on Evelyn's EKG results?
We have found that traveling at night is best. It's a little harder on us, but I would rather be a little tired and have a pleasant drive than be on edge the entire way. I have found that I'm more on edge in anticipation of the melt down than when there is actually a melt down.
When Braelyn was born, Casey was in camp season. We were tired of being apart so at 4 weeks we took Braelyn to Abilene! Dumb! Dumb! I know your trip will be much happier than ours was. :)
Good luck and have fun!
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