Last night I was eating a nectarine. I let Evelyn lick the fleshy part of the fruit and she LOVED it. She liked it so much that when I took it away from her she started crying until I let her lick on it again. Finally, the fruit was so spitty and gummed-up that Michael had to throw it away and you would have thought that Evelyn's world had ended. Sadness. (fyi: this was her first time to taste anything so sweet)
This is Evelyn enjoying her fruit:
Okay, I feel a little outta the loop to ask this but I saw it on a car the other day and didn't know what it meant...what is this 26.2 thing?
Erin -
There are 26.2 miles in a marathon. I got the shirt the last one I ran. The shirts and stickers are basically for people to have to make themselves feel cool themselves and running! =) (works for me!!)
This is so cute! I just love how they find new things they enjoy. I've given Gregory an apple in some kind of contraption that lets him chew on it in a mesh bag, but he can't swallow it. He also loves to share water with me. If I'm carrying him when I go over to the refrigerator and use the indoor water spout, he kicks so hard and gets so excited. :)
I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing
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